
CarboxytherapyYour skin needs oxygen for optimum health and as we age it gets less oxygen, which inhibits regeneration, and slowly starts losing its elasticity and collagen. And we all know that collagen is what keeps skin plump and looking good!

As we age, subcutaneous capillaries become dormant, decreasing cells of oxygen. This combined with environmental stresses and other variables inhibits the ability of cells to regenerate and function properly. By the age 30, oxygen levels in your skin drop by 25% and by age 40 they drop by 50%. The body naturally gets its oxygen through basic breathing, but factors like pollution reduce the levels. The body will first utilise oxygen in the major organs and lastly go to the skin. When the skin doesn’t get enough oxygen it becomes more prone to ageing, acne, redness, irritation and age spots.

What is Carboxytherapy?

Carbon Dioxide Therapy or Carboxytherapy, the miracle gas, has been touted as the biggest beauty breakthrough since Botox. Worldwide, Carboxytherapy is rapidly becoming known as the leading skin rejuvenation treatment. It is a safe, minimally invasive clinically proven method to rejuvenate, restore, and recondition the skin and treat loose skin, crêpe skin around the eyes, cellulite, resistant fat and stretch marks.

How does Carboxytherapy work?

Therapy involves injecting tiny amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) beneath the skin to break down fatty deposits and stimulate collagen production. Carboxytherapy infuses CO2 just beneath the skin’s surface. When the body recognises the CO2 it automatically triggers a response by increasing oxygen-rich blood flow to that area as well as growth factors that will encourage production of new blood vessels. Increased oxygen improves circulation, which in turn stimulates collagen production and cell restoration.

Increased blood flow stimulates collagen, which will soften and reduce fine lines, wrinkles and decreases dark circles under the eye. Long-term collagen is stimulated with more regular sheets of collagen laid down. A few months later dermal remodelling occurs with collagen contraction leading to a tightening effect. Brow drooping and saggy jowls and necks are improved. The area around the eyes is notoriously difficult to treat and even here the skin texture improves due to collagen stimulation. This is a true winner that uses the body’s own natural function to regenerate the skin. For those double chins the technique is slightly different in that the heated gas at high volume is introduced deep in to the fat, which then breaks up the fat cell and stimulates new vessels and rejuvenation.

What can one expect before and after a Carboxytherapy treatment?

During the treatment the sensation can be likened to a dull throb or pressure. This mild discomfort lasts two to four minutes. CO2 is 20 times more soluble than oxygen and it is easily and quickly diffused from the injection site to the surrounding tissue. After a treatment the gas is totally reabsorbed within five minutes and the treated area will raise, turn slightly red as oxygen perfuses into the area, which undergoes an inflammatory response, which stimulates collagen production. After the procedure, there is no pain, just possibly a crackling sensation under the skin that lasts until the gas is excreted. The area should not be rubbed or immersed in water for about four hours. Patients can return to work immediately after treatment, a truly walk in, walk out procedure.


About four to six treatments are recommended every two to four weeks and then a touch up session is recommended every six to eight months after that.
The treatment has no downtime and a single session can take between fifteen minutes and an hour depending on the vastness of the area to be treated.

Skin & Body Renewal clinics offer Carboxytherapy, so visit them for more info.

Image: Maksim Shmeljov/

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37 Responses

  1. Why can’t they reduce the price of Botox and Fillers. These quick fix remedies are way over priced. The last Botox treatment I had which was a year ago cost me R1100 and only lasted three months.

  2. A really interesting, informative article on an exciting new breakthrough. Why would anyone opt for Botox if this is now available?

  3. This sounds so clever! Increase oxygen in one area by increasing the carbon dioxide. I’d be keen to see if this works.

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